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Re-imagining trying times.

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When you think of the phrase “these are trying times,” you immediately associate it with struggle, trouble and pain.

But what if trying times meant just what it sounded like? That this is a time in our existence when we need to be trying many new things?

What if we looked at our current circumstances, which at face value may see limiting and restrictive and painful, and see them as incredible opportunities to try new things in both our personal and professional lives?

What if we try, right now, to be better people, mothers and fathers, business owners and members of the community?

For millions of years, with varying degrees of success and failure, humans have tried.

So, let’s embrace trying times.

To try is to be human.

Let’s try to be kinder to one another, to learn from each other and to be inspired.

Let’s try to keep our dreams alive.

And if you’re already trying hard, and you’re feeling weary, let’s regroup and try some more, together.

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