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Why I’m spending all the money in 2020.

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We invest in the stock market all the time. We place bets on companies for growth and count on them for a return on our money.

But we don’t see what happens in the quarterly meetings.

We have no control over pricing, hiring, marketing or product lines.

So, this year I had to ask myself:

If I’m willing to place hard-earned money into the stock market where so much is left to chance, why am I hesitating to invest in the one company where I have 100% mastery?

Where I can see everything that happens in the boardroom?

Where I can choose the customers, the product and the corporate strategy?

Where I have seen results time and again?


So, in 2020, after a landmark year of 70% growth year over year (true story) I decided to spend more money on my firm than I ever have.

But it’s not just ‘spend’.

I’m investing.

And I fully expect a return on my investment.

I invested in a business coach who is pushing me to the limits of what I ever thought possible.

I invested in a paralegal that has brought me much-needed support and greater efficiency.

I invested in a business retirement account and graduated my firm into an authentic employer that provides benefits.

I am putting my money where my mouth is and declaring that the best investment of all time is the same company I built with nothing but my own two hands.

(And a computer. And some good coffee.)

So, as I say goodbye to 2020 and the light it shone on what was most important, I say hello to a brighter 2021 and an abundance of possibilities.

I wish you the sweetest, most joyful Holidays with your families.

I wish you an extraordinary New Year.

And I will see you in 2021, with more optimism, enthusiasm and gratitude than ever.

If you or someone you know needs a little business TLC:

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